My strengths and interests

Get to know Jonathan.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The best part of my job is working with really talented folks day in and day out to produce a solid financial platform for TwinFocus.

What unique personal skills make you great at your role at TwinFocus?

I think I’m really good at putting the pieces of the puzzle together and making a clear picture for others to see.  As a CFO, I am involved in all activities across the firm and really enjoy seeing everything come together and working smoothly.

If you were not working at TwinFocus and you knew you couldn’t fail at whatever you did, what would you do?

I would be running a design and build firm that developed new homes and renovated old ones. Being on a job site and building something with my own hands is truly a passion of mine.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside the office, I enjoy remodeling my 100-year-old home, working with my hands on various DIY projects and traveling with my wife, two sons and yellow lab.

What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?

I enjoy seeing several of my former audit staff and employees developing into successful accounting and finance professionals across multiple industries.

How do you feel that TwinFocus makes a difference in the lives of its clients?

We are truly an extension of our clients’ families, deeply intwined in their lives to the point where we are their primary trusted advisor and go-to resource for everyday questions about their lives.