On a more personal level

Get to know Ana.

What do you enjoy most about your job?  

I enjoy being able to add value to the firm, and I also enjoy working alongside a great group of people. 

What unique personal skills make you great at your role at TwinFocus?   

I am very detail oriented, which is a helpful trait to have when it comes to presenting information to clients. 

If you were not working at TwinFocus and you knew you couldn’t fail at whatever you did, what would you do?   

I would probably become a live events producer. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?  

I enjoy spending time with my family either at home watching movies or traveling with them. 

 What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?  

When I moved to the United States, I decided to switch my career from marketing and sales to one in a finance-related field.  I then attended school in Boston, graduated at the top of my class, got a master’s degree in finance and pursed a career in investments after graduating.